Fox Pulls All Previous Versions of Fantastic Four From Digital Networks

In a move that is clearly meant to make you forget the previous attempts by Fox to make a Fantastic Four movie, Fox has had all digital copies pulled from online sites such as Amazon and Itunes (although you can still purchase the dvds and rent the dvd from Netflix), in advance of the August release of the newly rebooted Fantastic Four.

Fox pulled the movies “so as not to distract from promotion of the rebooted franchise, which is seeking to establish a different tone than the previous releases” and that “the older titles might cause confusion in the marketplace.”

I don’t think anyone would confuse the previous versions with the one due out this year. The fandom is used to reboots at this point of their favorite characters (ie: Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc…). After all the comic books have been doing it for far longer.

Although many don’t consider them very memorable the previous films grossed $330.6 million and $289 million worldwide, respectively.

The new Fantastic Four, directed by Josh Trank, is set for release in theaters Aug. 7, 2015. A sequel to that movie already has been scheduled for June 9, 2017.


News Reporter

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