While on press tour promoting Age of Ultron, Captain America star Chris Evans revealed in an interview with Esquire that Avengers Infinity War will begin filming in 2016.
“We start [Captain America: Civil War] in a couple weeks, and then that shoots until August or something like that. August or September. Then I’ve got some downtime and I can do with it as I please. I don’t know if I want to take time off or go pursue another directing job or find a movie to act in or, you know, do whatever I’m creatively inclined to pursue or wait, relax, enjoy my life. And then we start the Infinity War, I think, some time in the third quarter. Fall or winter of 2016. That’s going to be like nine months to shoot both movies back to back.”
Anthony Russo & Joseph V. Russo (Russo Brothers) will direct both parts of Avengers: Infinity War.
The 2 part Avengers movies are due in theaters in 2018 and 2019.